Home> Download hp Drivers> Download sp59728.exe Drivers

Real Free Download HP sp59728.exe driver file

We Provide Real download link for sp59728.exe driver file, you can download official hp sp59728.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:125.5 MB, Just download sp59728.exe driver files for your hp device now!

sp59728.exe driver file free for hp

Driver File Name sp59728.exe
Device Type Synaptics TouchPad Driver
media Type Electronic
File Description This package provides the driver that enables the Synaptics TouchPad in supported notebook models that are running a supported operating system. The driver enables general touchpad functionality (for example double-tap and scroll) and provides a user interface.
Release Date Nov 16, 2012
Update Date Apr 09, 2016
OS: Windows 8 (64-bit) etc..
Download Download Free Now

1. Download the file by clicking the "Download" or "Obtain Software" button and saving the file to a folder on your hard drive (make a note of the folder where the downloaded file is saved).

2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

3. If a message box titled "Program Compatibility Assistant" is displayed after the installation is complete, click "This program installed correctly."

4. Restart the notebook after the installation is complete.
- Fixes an issue where the profile for the Bluetooth personal area network cannot be set up.
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